Do You Have the Grit to Use InSAR?

You’ve found a new data frontier, do you have the persistence and passion to cross it?

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EO59 satellite InSAR is fueled by curiosity, mastery, and enthusiasm - something we find contagious. 

When beginning this journey, it’s often not love at first sight. It’s mysterious, intriguing, and always leads to a particular lightbulb moment - “If this works, it could be transformative.” 

While you journey through your own curiosity modality, you’ll find resources, such as EO59, to support you.We are here to work with you and your team, to educate and support you in engaging your stakeholders.We help you show themwhat you’ve found.We use real data to create the story that shows what satellite InSAR can do for asset management and assessment.This framework validates that this millimeter accuracy ‘talk’ is real.This story can be both devastating and boring as it will move through a time warp of structural change – predicting potential disaster, and the thankful general boring stability of most places.


EO59 is there to support you at each step of that journey, but it is a journey.


Each member of our team, our partners, and community has something unique, something special that has enabled them to succeed with this technology.  It is the idea of grit by Angela Lee Duckworth and the University of Pennsylvania. Grit is the superpower of passion and perseverance.  We are voraciously pursuing different angles, and disciplines to simplify and improve the accessibility of data for you and all of our community of users. One of those efforts has been understanding how and why InSAR seems to just click for many of us, and why it’s just out of reach for others. 

 If you’re interested in learning more about the superpower that is grit; check these out (we love to share great stuff)


Give that grit test a shot and see where you land. Let’s say, given you’re this far in this article, that you’re grittier and more determined than most. You’re pursuing your top-level goals in life with vigor, and moreover you’re curious. 

How about furthering your exploration into self by looking at the ‘What’s your curiosity profile’ by the Harvard Business Review.


You’re an unconventional thinker!

Credit: Harvard Business Review

Credit: Harvard Business Review

The further we go into these self-reflection ideas, the more we find the nuance of each of us. But there’s a theme; curiosity and grit have carried us through this incredibly hard year of the pandemic. We’ve collectively endured incredible isolation. We worked from our desks on our own missions, but shared in that global lack of a simple hug, or what seemed like pointless small talk at a meeting. Yet, here we are, with a new sense of resilience to take on the new paradigm of the world around us.


EO59 is here to give you the tools to turn that grit, that curiosity, that resilience into fuel to engage with satellite InSAR. To carry you beyond those moments of intrigue and through the details onto successfully implementing this technology in a way that will transform your business.


Transformation isn’t painless, it’s an adventure, and it’s in the DNA of who we are to seek out that frontier and grab it.

Pamela Stell is the Talent Development Advisor for EO59, where she assists with leadership and diverse HR issues. She has over 20 years of HR leadership experience, focused on Organizational Development. Pamela currently serves as the Sr. HR Manager at Virginia Tech, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute in Roanoke, VA in the US.