
Ethics in Remote Sensing

Openness - Simplicity - Partnership

We care deeply about people first.

Above all, EO59 stands for our team, our partner’s and the public we serve.

We have no tolerance for hostility, or discrimination of any kind. We take equal opportunity employer to the next level. We don’t care what you’ve learned, or where you’ve come from, we only care about who you are and why you are here.

Trust and respect is a top level value among our partners, or they will not be our partners. This is the best job any of us have ever had, or we would not be here.

We empathise, care for, and foster our team, and our partners.

Values first.

We seek out, and defend, true data.

Going back in time to see how much any thing has moved means uncovering inconvenient truths. Monitoring a site for changes from 800km in the sky means seeing things some want left hidden.

We will never, ever, hide from view of our clients, and those with a need to know, information, or data, that is unpleasant or damaging to any party. We will present you the truest data driven insight proven science can deliver.

Our data is our word.

We empower, through tools, and education.

No matter who you are, or where you came from, if you want to learn InSAR/SAR from us, we are here to teach.

Accessible software, open training, and a sense of duty to inform drive our training, software, and artificial/corner reflectors.

We do not support corrupt and oppressive regimes.

While a nation-state can be the first to mind, we include companies and organisations in this core principle. We choose our clients and if a client fundamentally violates our ethics we will choose else-wise.

Should we become aware that our systems are being used by a sanctioned nation, as defined by the US Treasury Service we will terminate that service. We do not do business with, nor facilitate access to our platforms or services to any such nation.