

Satellite SAR Interferometry may sound very complex and you may think that this solution might have little to do with your everyday job. However, if you are interested in monitoring deformation of ground and structures/infrastructures, satellite InSAR can support you. 

Our main goal is to deliver this highly complex data in the simplest, lowest cost, most easily used format possible, and empower our clients and partners to do more with it. 

Making space accessible, for all of us. 

Request for a subscription to our service. The data will be delivered through our web portal and our API, for a perfect integration with your already existing services. 



Historic analysis

Data from any satellite SAR mission. Like a “time machine” you can discover if your area of interest was affected by deformation processes in the past. 

We will help you discover the range of satellite sources. Naturally, we begin with the Sentinel-1 images, but we go on to many other satellites you may have not even heard of. Giving you both cumulative deformation over the period, and a view into when motion dynamics started or changed. 

Was that landslide active in the past?” “When did this deformation process start?” These are some of the questions we may be able to help you answer.  

Annual Monitoring

Once an initial historical analysis is performed, we can proceed analyzing the new images continuously acquired by the satellite. 

This way we can automatically update your InSAR information on your personal account multiple times a month, giving you the ability to remotely monitor the wide area of a site without installing any sensors.