Summer Jobs and Raspberry Pi

“So, I’ve gotten great at coding Pi’s, does EO59 have anything I can do?”

You know it!

Kevin Edminster and the Pi

Kevin Edminster and the Pi

Credentials only?

Talent and innovation are not restricted to the credentialed with many orbits around the sun. Arguably even more important is motivation and drive to accomplish something meaningful.

Meet Kevin

When Kevin Edminster came to us with an idea to code together a sensor suite on the Raspberry Pi we were all impressed. This American Estonian teen growing up here in Rapla has had a the life of a traveling book reading professional early on. Regularly joining his family in the State of Washington in the United States, he’s developed a keen interest in any business operating transatlantic as he eyes ‘what to do when he grows up!’

With a multimeter, Raspberry Pi, and some solder Kevin has developed a scalable set of low cost solar powered sensors to gather data around the InSAR artificial reflector and stream it back to EO59 servers over a cellular network.

Thanks to his passion and determination we’re on our way to a low cost bridge for on site data with that from the satellite.

Sunscreen and burgers

Summer jobs have run the gamut for all of us, from being a lifeguard to working at a local grill and everything in-between they are part of that unique first chapter in professional life.

We are proud to be a destination for Kevin and any motivated, clever individual eager to come build something. We’ll make up for the ‘too much adulting’ by grabbing burgers, sunscreen and staring at radar reflectors on the hood of the car. Why not, after all, this is EO59 🚀